NEWS & UPDATES March 27, 2011 Two more publications are online: Ating
Tao: Our People (The Filipinos in Hawaii) Ating Tao: Our People is book-length 1976 publication of the University of Hawaii College of Education. It is an anthology of writing and images. [go to Ating Tao] "Filipinos in Hawaii: 80th Anniversary" "Filipinos in Hawaii: 80th Anniversary" is a 1986 publication of the Hawaii Newspaper Agency, Inc. It is digitized and made available courtesy of the Honolulu Star-Advertiser. [go to Filipinos in Hawaii page] March 12/16, 2011 Two more digitized Filipino newspapers are online: Ti
Timek Ti Vibora Luviminda This issue was digitized from best copy at the Hawaii State Archives. This digital project has received funding from the Institute for Museum and Library Services, a federal agency. [go to Newspapers] [go to IMLS page] January 30, 2011 Fourteen more digitized Filipino newspapers are online: Ang
Banagbanag This digital project has received funding from the Institute for Museum and Library Services, a federal agency. [go to Newspapers] [go to IMLS page] January 4, 2011 Four more digitized Filipino newspapers are online: Naimbag-a-Nakem This digital project has received funding from the Institute for Museum and Library Services, a federal agency. [go to Newspapers] [go to IMLS page] Archived News & Updates |
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