UNHEARD VOICES PROJECT Ernest Duterte Libarios, Sr. Ernest "Ernie" Libarios, Sr. was born, in 1939, in Pa'auilo, Hawai'i. Although he born on a sugar plantation, his family moved serveral times before settling down to work their own coffee farm in Kona. Ernie graduated from Konawaena High School, attended St. Martin's College, graduated from Chaminade College and earned a masters degree in educational psychology at the University of Hawai'i at Manoa. For over four decades Ernie provided counseling and advice to countless youths and adult individuals -- many of who were considered "at risk" -- to find ways to become confident and contributing members of society. He worked with adults at Waiawa Correctional Facility, with youth programs in Waianae, Farrington High School and UH Leeward Community College, and was one of the founding members of Sariling Gawa, a Filipino youth leadership camp. Throughout his career Ernie emphasized ethnic self-esteem and culturally-based self-development. INTERVIEWER: Melinda Tria Kerkvliet arrived in Hawaii in 1971. She participated in several anti-development protests in the 1970s, including those at Ota Camp, Chinatown and Waihole-Waikane. She has a Ph.D. in history from the University of Hawaii and has written a book on Filipino labor leader, Pablo Manlapit: Unbending Cane: Pablo Manlapit, A Filipino Labor Leader in Hawaii. In 1972 she participated in establishing Operation Manong, a federally-funded project which hired Filipino college students to tutor Filipino students at the public schools. The project has since broadened its scope and is now part of the University of Hawaii-Manoa as the Office of Multicultural Student Services. PHOTOGRAPHS: Ernie Libarios w/Domingo Los Banos and Lito Ascunsion, 1990 Ernie Libarios w/Mildred and Lito Ascuncion), 1992 |
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