HAWAII WWI SERVICE RECORDS The legacy of Filipinos serving in the U.S. military during WWI is little known. Presented here are service records of all Hawaii recruits - Filipinos and non-Filipinos - who entered the U.S. military during WWI. What is notable about these records is the large number of Philippine-born recruits that were serving at the time. Also of interest is the variety of "race" designations assigned to Philippine-born recruits. Records are organized by record category, service branch and last name. Click on letter to view a slideshow of recruitment cards containing all last names beginning with selected letter for the record category and service branch. These records are presented here courtesy of the Hawaii State Archives. Service Records: Army A to Almario [click here] B to Bitus [click here] C to Cernado [click here] D to Dyson [click here] E to Ezuka [click here] F to Fusilero [click here] G to Guzman [click here] H to Hyer [click here] I to Izumi [click here] J to Justo [click here] K to Kamaui [click here] L to Liberato [click here] M to Mending [click here] N to Nylen [click here] O to Ozawa [click here] P to Pelehero [click here] Q [none listed] R to Ryan [click here] S to Shintaku [click here] T to Tylor [click here] U to Uzio [click here] V to Vriuto [click here] W to Wyatt [click here] X to Xavier [click here] Y to Ywajan [click here] Z to Zuniga [click here] The following records are still being processed: Navy A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Deceased Records: Army A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Navy A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
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