Filipinos in the U.S. during this time were
in an ambiguous position. For one, since the
Philippines was a U.S. colony, they had no sovereign
government to speak for them. The 1924 Immigration
Act deemed the Filipinos as neither aliens nor
US citizens since they were a colonized people,
although technically they were classified as
US nationals.
other non-whites, Filipinos were racially discriminated
against and stereotyped. They were often called
half-civilized (or half-savage), uneducated,
worthless, and unscrupulous. Racism against
the Filipinos was strong since they were essentially
viewed as taking the jobs of the white workers
as well as their white women. They were accused
of luring white women, hence an anti-miscegenation
law was passed. They were also called wasteful
for their alleged ostentatious display of lifestyle,
mainly clothing. Filipinos were denounced as
being prone to crime and violence. They were
accused of living in substandard conditions
where as many as twenty people slept in one
room. In reality, though, these statements were
mere racial prejudices. Filipinos were mostly
men and the gender ratio between Filipino men
and women in California was like 14:1. Filipino
men sought the company of white women. Low wages,
on the other hand, consigned Filipinos to poor
living conditions since they could not afford
better accommodation. In some cases, the housing
accommodation provided by the growers was substandard.
discrimination was primarily due to economic
reasons. Filipinos were disliked because they
were seen as willing to work for low wages and,
thus, were taking the jobs of white people.
This was exacerbated by the preference in hiring
Filipinos since their physique were perceived
to be ideally suited for "stoop labor",
i.e., bent down kind of work like cutting asparagus
and planting cauliflower.